Sunday 24 March 2013

Where to begin?

It is not easy to start writing.
I have the words in my head, but it is much harder to get them out and put them into writing...

This Blog idea started when I was looking for less expensive ways to do things with the family.
(Like sports, entertainment, holidays etc.)
You could say that you have to pay money for everything you want to do these days...
But does it really have to be that way?
What about the simple things in life? Is everything new really necessarily better?
When I grew up over in Europe, I was working most of the time, saved my wages, went on holidays and then spent my money.
When I came over to Australia I had to live of my savings. All my qualifications that I had gained in Germany were not recognized in Australia.
So when I went back to Germany once a year, I went to see my family, but I also worked for a few months to earn enough money to live in Australia for the rest of the year.

I guess I changed my way of spending when I quit my full time job and went back to school to get my High School Certificate. So I would be able to study at the University.

But having Children really changed my view at life.
So what is really important in life?
Do we need new flash cars, big modern houses, expensive holidays and all the new electrical gadgets businesses want us to buy?
Do we really need to buy all things new?
Everybody needs to make this decision for them self.
We decided for our family we don't need all of this.

Our aim in Life is to be HAPPY.
To be together, to be there for each other and to care for each other.

 (unknown quote)

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